1. Research Areas: |
· Extraction of bioactive phytochemicals from herbs and other plant materials for natural preservatives, traditional medicines, and for being used as ingredients in processing of functional & supplement foods.
· Fruit and vegetable product developments: minimal processed, dried, fermented foods and beverages.
· Postharvest technology (preservation & processing) of fruits & vegetables, and tuber root crops especially sweet potatoes.
· Application of microorganisms in development of functional foods.
· Application of various drying technologies (hot air-drying, heat pump drying, spray drying, freeze drying, microwave drying, and near infrared drying).
· Utilizing by-products for food processing and biodegradable materials.
· Encapsulation of bioactive components using spray drying, foam-mat drying, and other technologies.
· Coffee, tea, and cocoa processing.
2. Department Members: |
3. Laboratory: |
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