1. Research Areas:


·  Extraction of bioactive phytochemicals from herbs and other plant materials for natural preservatives, traditional medicines, and for being used as ingredients in processing of functional & supplement foods.

·  Fruit and vegetable product developments: minimal processed, dried, fermented foods and beverages.

·  Postharvest technology (preservation & processing) of fruits & vegetables, and tuber root crops especially sweet potatoes.

·  Application of microorganisms in development of functional foods.

·  Application of various drying technologies (hot air-drying, heat pump drying, spray drying, freeze drying, microwave drying, and near infrared drying).

·  Utilizing by-products for food processing and biodegradable materials.

·  Encapsulation of bioactive components using spray drying, foam-mat drying, and other technologies.

·  Coffee, tea, and cocoa processing. 


2. Department Members:


 1.    Assoc.Prof.Dr. Lê Trung Thiên

 2.    Dr. Dương Thị Ngọc Diệp

 3.    Dr. Phan Thị Lan Khanh

 4.    MSc. Lương Hồng Quang

 5.    MSc. Trịnh Ngọc Thảo Ngân

 6.    MSc. Nguyễn Trung Hậu

 7.    MSc. Lê Thị Thanh

 8.    MSc. Dương Thị Ngọc Dân

 9.   Tech. Bùi Minh Tựu 

 10MSc. Lê Thanh Hải 



3. Laboratory:


More detail here.





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