These are topics within the framework of the project: Improving the mango value chain in the Mekong Delta - under the Green Innovations Center (GIC) - funded by the German Government (GIZ). The consultant is Fresh Studio Innovations Asia.
The research directions:
Topic 1: Develop a feasible mango wash for desap control
Topic 2: Optimize Hot Water Dipping protocol for disease control
Topic 3: Develop a feasible mango coating for enhacing mango preservation
Topic 4: Optimize packaging and storage conditions for prolonging the postharvest life
Topic 5: Proposing and testing the selected post-harvest technological protocol for each variety (Keo, Tuong Dai Loan & Cat Chu)
4nd year student - Faculty Chemical Engineering and Food Technology – Nong Lam University, HCMC
Academic GPA ≥ 7.5
Number: 5 students
Special: with monthly funding support
Time: until the end of April 15, 2023
Interested students please apply to Ms. Thao Ly via email:
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