In order to introduce the market trends and applications of agricultural products in the confectionery industry, the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology has partnered with Bluetech Ingredients Co., Ltd. and Capol Co., Ltd., leading manufacturers in the world specializing in confectionery products, to organize a seminar on the topic of "Anti-sticking agents and polishing agents in the confectionery industry". With their specialized knowledge and experience, the seminar will provide students and new engineers with a new perspective on the production process of gummy candies, chocolates, and more. In addition, attendees will gain access to and a better understanding of industry trends, global production applications, Southeast Asia in general, and Vietnam in particular, thereby contributing to the promotion of the value of agricultural products in our country.
The seminar took place at 9:00 am on March 22nd, 2023, at Cat Tuong Hall, Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry, with the presence of two representatives from Capol Company: Mr. Thomas Muecklich - Director of Global Business Development and Ms. Kathrin Berger - Technical Sales Manager, Ms. Ngo Khac Xuan Nhi - Business Director of Bluetech Ingredients Co., Ltd., Associate Professor Dr. Kha Chan Tuyen - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Food, along with the participation of lecturers and over 120 students from the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Food.
During the seminar, the experts shared their knowledge and summarized the market trends, mainly focusing on chocolate and chocolate candies, the chocolate processing process, chocolate candy, and the technologies applied to the processing process. In addition, students were able to experience some sample products applied by Capol Company. Here are some images from the seminar.
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